“Paws of Everlasting Love” captures the timeless bond between humans and their cherished dogs. The graceful cursive text, set against a soft pink backdrop, conveys a heartfelt message that resonates with every dog lover. It’s more than just a piece of art; it’s a testament to the enduring love and loyalty that our canine companions bring into our lives.
The delicate script reads: “I must have dog kisses always and always.”
Feel free to choose the name that speaks to your heart and reflects the essence of this beautiful creation. 🐾🌸🎨
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“Paws of Everlasting Love” captures the timeless bond between humans and their cherished dogs. The graceful cursive text, set against a soft pink backdrop, conveys a heartfelt message that resonates with every dog lover. It’s more than just a piece of art; it’s a testament to the enduring love and loyalty that our canine companions bring into our lives.
The delicate script reads: “I must have dog kisses always and always.”
Feel free to choose the name that speaks to your heart and reflects the essence of this beautiful creation. 🐾🌸🎨
Ships without frame.